File Formats and Destinations
Report Delivery from any Source to any Destination
ReportSafe offers a comprehensive organization-wide solution to output management to ensure fast and secure report delivery from any source to any location in the format of choice. By centralizing and automatically indexing the online storage and archiving of all types of output, ReportSafe allows you to access the exact reports, or report sections, you require from any point in time within seconds for viewing via the Internet or distributing via email or fax, or to any Windows-networked printer.
This eliminates the risk of lost reports and unauthorized access, significantly reduces disk storage requirements and printing costs, and saves huge amounts of time in searching for critical reports across the various platforms.
- Instant report availability from any source for online viewing
- Report distribution via email, fax and printing
- “WebNotes” and approval routing capability
- Report retrieval by sections and subsections
- Secure user access authorization
- Significantly reduced disk storage requirements
- Significantly reduced printing costs
- Fast and easy implementation, no additional programming
- Enhanced web security
- Full text search within ALL Documents
- eMail archiving and direct access
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